A couple of things this week has just gotten me absolutely confounded, and I don't mind admitting, I don't get it. Maybe I'm too intelligent to get it? Maybe it's just for the dumb masses? Or are they smarter than me, and I'm the dumb one? Either way, I have had to Google both in order to figure out why...
The first is the "My Family" stickers that you see all over cars everywhere now. You know the ones:
Every time I'm on the roads, and I see these stickers on a car, I wonder to myself, why? What is the purpose of these stickers? Is it in case of an accident, so the emergency workers know how many people
should be in the car? Eventually I made a concerted effort to remember to look it up once I was at a computer, and faithful Google showed me that it was JUST BECAUSE IT'S PRETTY.
I don't get it. I honestly do not get it. Why on earth would one spend money on stickers that indicate your family (and believe it or not, these stickers now include grandads, grandmas, and PETS), when the cost of food and petrol is so high? Why on earth would one spend money on stickers that indicate your family when it is SO dangerous to let ANY stranger know ANYTHING about you? The thoughts about the usefulness of these stickers (i.e. letting an emergency worker know how many people to care for), are obviously way above the intelligence of those who actually buy (and sell) these stickers. No, wait, I can't say that for the sellers - they are geniuses! I mean, c'mon. Make pretty pictures, somehow pursuade Joe Public that they NEED them, and voila! Instant millionaire.
The other item I just don't get either, are these "Keep Calm And..." pictures, bookcovers, you name it. You know the ones?
So, basically, somebody has taken the "Keep Calm and" phrase and added their own nonsense behind it (and this includes Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake)... and somehow made a fortune off this. I mean, they have a "Best Sellers" section on their web site. AND the pictures AREN'T EVEN PRETTY! They sell these unframed or framed as well. I actually had to Google this as well, because I've seen a number of items with this phrase on it (and the trademark crown at the top).
Great. Now my mind has decided to wonder what the crown means... Damnit. It's probably something totally obscure and meaningless as well.