Friday, May 31, 2013

Creepy Kids

So, I've been browsing the web, and through a series of links, landed up on a page on Reddit where they asked what the creepiest things kids have said to their parents.  I've taken out some of the most striking (to me).  If you don't believe in reincarnation or that young children can see ghosts, you might well do so after reading these.  Warning:  disturbing.

My dad watched his mother die of a ruptured gal bladder when he was twelve and still remembers vividly. My sister, one day, randomly gets up almost an hour after she's gone to bed and goes up to him. The conversation went like this:
Sister: Daddy, your mommy died in a red sweater, jeans, sneakers and with her hair in a ponytail, right? And her hair was blonde?
Dad: Drops book he's reading and stares, wide-eyed, and then says Yes...
Sister: What color were her eyes?
Dad: Blue... why?
Sister: Oh, she doesn't have them anymore, just empty sockets. I was curious.
And she goes right back to bed.
*Woah... disturbing images*

I jokingly asked: "What's the best way to get a girlfriend?"
7-year-old's response: "Tell her to be my girlfriend or she'll never see her parents again."
*Wonder what movie that kid had just watched lol*

Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied "Oh, nobody 'scroofs' me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I'm here." She said this like it was nothing.
*Holy crap!  Poor kid! ... Poor PARENTS!*

 Sitting at my friends kitchen table late one night talking when her daughter walks into the kitchen "mommy, when I was older I crashed the car and died. Can I have something to drink?" My friend calmly gave her daughter milk and sent her off to bed. It gave me shivers and my friend didn't want to talk about it. She started crying and told me not to bring it up ever.
*Mmm... sounds to me like this child has said things like this on more than one occasion*

I know a teacher (in her 40's now) who says her parents told her when she was about 3 they were watching a documentary about the launching of the Titanic. She dropped what she was doing and stood in front of the tv for a minute - then turned and said very seriously, "That's the boat where I died"
*Well, why not?  Hundreds did die...*

My brother grew up being terrfied of water, i'm 4 years older than him and during the nighly battle for bathtime when he was about 3 or 4 I asked him why is so scared of the water (being a water baby as my mum put it i just didn't understand) he looked at me and i remember this word for word 'i was in a big unsinkable ship, we hit the biggest iceberg and then it was really busy and then I got really cold and wet I went to a warm bright place and waited until my next family came' my mum heard it all and decided bathtime was over. creepy thing is my brother was born April 15th 1992 - the Titanic sunk April 15th 1912. he's over his fear now and doesn't remember it all and he's even a swimming instructor now but it creeps me out just thinking about it. * I just mentioned it to him and he say's he's still scared of sea water and he's not a fan of boats
*Another one...*

Not me, but a friend.

His mother had two miscarriages before he and his brother were born. His brother, maybe 4, said something like, "Those babies were us. You weren't ready for us so we had to wait until you were."

Creeped the hell out of his mom.
*Makes sense to me*

I wasn't raised to believe in reincarnation and frankly DIDN'T until our oldest son was about two or three years old. One day he asks me 'Mommy, do you remember before?' I was all distracted and wanted him to clarify 'Before what? Before Today? Before right now?' 'No, BEFORE. When I was a man and I went to my office every day and I had a brown briefcase and...' It was very detailed and he had never heard of a briefcase but described it perfectly.'

Fast forward several years until our second son is about the same age when one day he has a full blown meltdown and demands to be returned to his family in China. He says he can't take it any more, he misses them so much and demands that we get in the car and drive to China (we live on an island, this isn't happening--also, he's Caucasian and has blonde hair). He'd never been that upset before. For a few years while he was a toddler he would come running if he heard any music that sounded even faintly eastern and would dance to it with moves none of us were familiar with but were certainly similar to Thai and Chinese dances that I've seen since.

So I have to give reincarnation a maybe.
*No comment*

My younger brother has, on multiple occasions, told me how somebody died. One of these times I was sitting next to him in the car (he's 5 in this story) and he just looks out the window at a stoplight and said, "a girl died here." There weren't flowers or anything like that to signify a death, so I asked him how she died. He told me that she was rollerblading and was listening to music with headphones so she didn't hear the bus coming when she crossed the street. He seemed really calm throughout the entire thing, and he told me that he knew because she was standing outside the car talking to him.

I went home and googled any accidents that had happened at the intersection, and yep. A girl had died there in the EXACT circumstances that he told me....almost 2 years before he was born.

He's done this more than once, and every single time he's 100% right. Freaky as f***.
*Damian did something similar once... but that's a story for another time*

I joined Reddit JUST so I could share this! When I was 9 years old, my aunt had a miscarriage. During my teenage years, she had two children who were 4 years apart. One day when her oldest son was 2 or 3 years old, he said to her "Are you happy I came back, mommy? I went to heaven but you were sad, so I came back to you." I get chills to this day just thinking about it!

All of these stories make me feel so peaceful about the after life... cannot stop reading!
*I wonder if miscarriaged children DO get another chance?*

I've told this story before, but it seems to be relevant to the discussion. My daughter told me this story when she was around four years old.

(This is as close as I can remember to her exact wording, and told from her perspective)

I was with my old family that I lived with before, and they were very, very mean people. My mom was dead because they didn't like her anymore, and my dad and brother hated me; they tied me to a chair in the basement, beat me, stuck things in me (I couldn't get clarification on this, how the fuck does a 4 yr-old know about this kind of abuse??!) and never fed me. Sometimes I would get free and would have to eat dirt and bugs.

They let their friends do stuff to me too.

(Me:) What kind of stuff?

Bad stuff, I can't say, but it was bad. Their friends later killed my bad dad, and bad brother, and stole me away. They chained me to their wall and threw knives at me, and burned me with sticks from their fire.

When they got tired of my crying, they held my throat until I died, then they cut me up into little tiny pieces and put me in the blender, then they found mommy and made her drink me...and that's how I was born.

(Me:) Well, that's quite the sadistic dream, sweetheart.

It wasn't a dream, daddy, that's what really happened.

There were other stories she told me about her old family, and none of them were good. It wasn't just the stories though, it was the absolute certainty with which she told the stories, and the very matter-of-fact way in which each story was related. Still gives me chills.
*It breaks my heart that this is TOTALLY POSSIBLE!  People are so terrible :(*

My son´s best friend, age 5: "I found Satan while I was digging in the sandbox. Now he lives inside me."

He comes from a christian family. That shit can´t be healthy.
*The Excorcist, anyone???*

New House

As promised (even though it's taken me a while), here are some pictures of our new house.  I have started with the front garden, the formal dining room, and our bedroom.  The rest will follow (I promise lol).

Front garden

Side gate - you can see the huge palm tree in our back yard

Ivy wrapped around a tree - gorgeous

Front gate, and lounge windows

Another view of the front garden
Okay.  Now the dining room.  Please excuse the office chairs here - our dining room suite is very old, and the chairs are all broken.  Artwork by Sue ;-)

And now our bedroom.  The beds are brand new (like, a week old). We used to have a queen-sized spring bed, which was TERRIBLE.  If Squirrel so much as hiccuped, I bounced up to the roof.  And he WRIGGLES in his sleep :(  Being the chronic insomniac I am, eventually we agreed to two single beds in order for us to get some decent sleep.

Our beds

A view of some of the back garden through our windows, as well as the exquisite kist my dad made me for my birthday

Two windows letting in lots of light

The view from my bed
The really nice thing about our room is that there are blackout blinds on both windows, so on Friday nights I pull them down, and the light doesn't wake us up on Saturday mornings - I actually get to sleep late!  (okay.... 9am IS late for me lol).

More pics to follow.