TGIF!!! This has been one crazy week. For some reason, even though we're only going into the third month of Autumn, it's FREEZING cold already, and yesterday it took me nearly 2 hours to get to work in the CBD because of flooding on the roads. Thank heavens I'm the only person I know who doesn't mind traffic in the least, and I was in a really good mood the whole day. What amazed me was that everybody else on the roads were courteous, patient, and weren't getting enraged either, from what I could see.
Things have calmed down at home, and we're trying not to fight any more, thank heavens. It was really rough last week, especially for Damian. A HUGE thank you to my friends, who have supported and loved me through this really tough time. I love you guys.
I'm going a bit batty with all these layers of clothing on already
(tactile sensitive that I am), and to think there are still MONTHS ahead
of this! On Wednesday I got home and spent about 10 minutes rubbing my legs down with a cloth, and then Damian reminded me about the PTA meeting ... so I had to put those clothes on again. I wasn't happy, but to be fair, he did remind me that morning, and I'd forgotten again. At the PTA, all his teachers have praised him, but ALL of them said that he by far has the potential to out-do anybody else in the class, and all he needs to do is to apply himself. As if he hasn't heard that his whole life...
I decided that this winter I'm going to start playing badminton again, especially now that Damian's big enough to be a really challenging partner. He's looking forward to that too. We also decided last night that Monday nights are mom-son nights, cos I don't even know him any more :(
I got this picture in an email this morning, and I love it! Here's your laugh for Friday:
Have a good one! I'm going to be curled up in the study in my jammies with the gas heater on all weekend. I have so many new good serieseses to watch ;-)
Until laters.
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